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Chakras are energy wheels around the body.  These are what connects us to our body, mind, heart and soul.  We take good care of our body, mind, hair, teeth, but what about our soul? our energy? how many people actually take care of the soul, does regular cleaning, cleansing, purification of the soul, energetic body and vibration? those who know, do it, but most people do not know how to take care of the energetic body.


The chakras store all our fears and separation traumas.  It remembers everything.  It is important to empty it from all traumas, fear, purge it and purify it from all darkness, then fill it up with colours, healing, positive thoughts, intentions and new empowerment programs or abundance.


Doing a cleaning ritual everyday is important, to maintain health and hygiene.  When our chakras are balanced, we thrive, achieve amazing things, become the best at what we do, we enjoy good health, abundance of all kinds.


Chakras are the invisible force, that we do not see.  It carries chi/prana/energy to the whole body, mind, heart and soul.  Chakras are vital to distribute energy to our whole body, this is the same energy that is called chi  or prana in eastern philosophy.

Each chakra is aligned with a sounds and colour. 


The root chakra is Red and the sound to clean, clear and balance it is; Lam.  This chakra is to do with survival. 


Our Sacral Chakra is our connection to creation itself, its here where we hold blockages against our own creative expression. It is aligned with pleasure and we block our pleasure through feelings of shame. The colour is orange, the sound is Vam.


The Solar Plexus Chakra is our power centre, its the furnace that gives energy to the rest of the Chakras. Its of the element of fire, its where our will resides. Its where we hold limiting beliefs about ourselves, its where we hold criticism and judgments about ourselves and others. Its where we hold anger, resentments and frustrations.  The colour is yellow, the sound is Ram.


The Heart is the centre of our being. Its the most powerful Chakra of them all, there's no Chakra above the other but the Heart unites them all, the Heart unites our physical existence with our spiritual existence, it is broken when their is grief.  The colour is pink or green, the sound is Yam.


The Throat Chakra is our communication centre, its where we hold any programs on how we present ourselves, this is our truth centre, this is how we communicate to the world, but its also the centre to how we perceive the rest of the world.  We block this when we tell lies. The colour is Blue, the sound is Ham



The Third Eye is the activation point of your Light Body. The Third Eye is as the control tower for your higher Self, for your Divine Self. This is where we see the truth.  We block it when we refuse to see the truth. The colour is Indigo, the sound is Om.


The crown chakras is our gateway to the universe.  This is the ultimate connection, when this is open and balanced we can communicate to our higher self.  This is our perfect self, which we are always seeking.  The higher self is perfect, hence we tend to seek perfection.  To open this, we must let go, detach and surrender to the higher self. The colour is Purple and the sound is OM.


Course on chakras, unblocking, clearing, cleaning, deprogramming, reprogramming coming soon. 


Greetings of Light.

Light People. 


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