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Who are the LightSeeds of this dimension?  The lightSeeds ( a term which I use to describe all seeds filled with light, who are on this earth, currently to aid in the ascension of the Light Earth.  Lightseeds are filled with light and their mission is to destroy darkness and bring back, love, balance, harmony and the land of abundance, which we all remember as Utopia.


There are different kinds of LightSeeds on this earth. There are StarSeeds (ascendant from the stars, planets, suns and other galaxies) Then, there are EarthSeeds.  EarthSeeds are also in ascension right now,  they have originated from this earth.  EarthSeeds are of the Earth.  


How to know if you're a Starseed or an earthseed?  

A starseed has distant origin, originating from the sun, stars, planets and galaxy in outer space.  Some starseeds came here a long time ago, to help in the ascension of this earth.  Some starseeds  are coming now, as they come to flood this earth with even more light.  Each decade there is a wave of different starseeds that come to this earth.  With each wave, the starseeds get more evolved and more peaceful.



Different wave of starseed has a specific mission.  Each starseed is programmed with this mission and at the right time, the uncloaking happens.  Starseeds tend to forget their origin, their planet/sun/star of origin at birth.  They have a very painful time adjusting the to the dense energy of this plane.  Most starseeds grow up being introverted, alone and anti-social.  As, starseeds find it difficult to relate to others, since they are very quiet, they keep themselves to themselves.  Starseeds find this plane very confusing and destructive.  The dense energies mean that they are often born in a dysfunctional family and have difficulties adjusting to life on earth.

Starseeds find it difficult to communicate.  They are naturally telepathic and prefer that way to communicate with others, since on this plane, their telepathy isn't often reciprocated, they find it hard and confusing to adjust to life here.


Starseeds feel different from the moment they are born.  They do not feel that they are of the earth, most of the time, they feel different, they will often ask if they have been adopted as they do not find anything in common with the earth family.










Starseeds are super sensitive.  They absorb a lot of energetic issues, starseeds are very sensitive to energy and most of the time can read other people's mind.  This confuses them, as they are constantly reading everyone's energy everywhere.  This information overload, makes starseeds very stressed, burdened and confused with other people's energies.


Starseeds need to do an inventory of their energy very often, this is to make sure they aren't carrying other people's energy.  Around 90% of the starseeds' problems belong to other people, i.e, it's not their own problem that they are carrying. 


Starseeds usually find co dependent people who attach themselves to the starseed.  The addictive, co dependent person finds that the starseed carry their problems, giving them relief and respite.  The starseed being good natured and not being able to say no, doesn't even know about this trespass, because they are innately programmed to be helpful.   With time, a lot of addicted, co-dependent relations develop and this breaks the starseed.  They then learn about boundaries and how to say no.


Starseeds are from different star systems, including: Pleaides, Sirius, Mars, Orion, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and many more.  Starseeds know they aren't from the earth, they feel different, never fit in, stand out and naturally have leadership qualities.  Although, starseeds try and stay in the background most of their life, doubting themselves, thinking their is something wrong with them, when it's the earth systems that's wrong.


Earthseeds are origin of this earth.  Currently, the earthseeds are ascending fast and have joined the starseeds to help in the ascension process.  Earthseeds, just life starseeds have been violated for a long time.


Earthseeds have been enslaved for long, free will taken away and have been experimented on, just like the starseeds.  There are many similarities between the two.  That's what unite the Lightseeds.  Earthseeds are starting to remember their past and what happened to them.  This earth and its inhabitants have been abused for so long, that the earth called for help, to outer worlds and universes to help in securing freedom.  


Earthseeds are ready to help in the process of securing freedom for their beloved mother.  Many starseeds have joined the call for help, to secure freedom for the land, for their brothers and sisters of light on earth.


Currently, there are over 60% of eartheans (including starseeds) who are in light.  The light is increasing every single moment, as more and more beings of light join in the mission of freeing mother earth.  Earth people have been used, abused and their free will taken, a long time ago.    Earth people aren't aware of the great deception on their land.  Due to heavy programming, implants and violently erasing the soul/cell memories of these beings, held captive for all their lives.  Some earthseeds are awakening to see the reality of what is really happening.


What happened to the earthseeds, long time ago, is very traumatic.  Experiments were carried out and many earthseeds remember the trauma.  With the ascension energy rising, earthseed are finally able to remove implants, heal their traumas and join their starseeds brothers and sisters hand in hand to make a difference for this world.  Those who join the call has to be of good character, truthful, respectful and be ready for service of this earth.


We don't like labels here, so we'll call everyone here a lightseed.  For the purpose of finding your origin, it has become important to write about different labels that this world has for us.  However, we remain united in our mission, in our walk and history.

Without advocating separation under the Law of One, we are ALL lightseeds.  You are welcome here, Lightseed.  However, we are all proud of our origin, our host land, our paths.  We are all star brothers and sisters.







Much love, 

Kiran G


Starseeds are here to fill this earth with light  Come join the light movement.
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