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Twin Souls.


Who are they? Twins have originated from the creator.  Each soul has a masculine and a feminine embodiment.  Shiva/Shakti, Krishna/Radha, Christ/Mary Magdalene and on and on ...


The point is that every twin soul is the other half of the energy, the void, the yin/yang.  Twin souls were sent on this earth a long time ago, to balance the energy of this land.  


Twin souls are meant to be together. To love, heal, educate, balance each other and their world.  The darkness in this world is still keeping the twin souls apart.  Mainly through mind programming, implants and false twin programs.  


Twins who are together have a big mission.  To heal the world.  To love.  To bring balance.  To be at peace.  To spread light.  Once reunited, twins are so powerful, they exude light, brightness, love and people just stare at their light.  They vibrate the highest love and heal with their vibration.  They are charismatic, eclectic, electric.  People find twin flames, twin souls magnetic.  That's the work of the creator.  Because Twins are pure love.  


Twin souls are light beings, who have been heavily implanted, programmed, mind controlled. Twins communicate through telepathy,


Black Twins/ False Twin Flames


this has been misused by the darkness to control the minds of the lightseeds/twin souls.  Watch who is communicating with you!  Protect your mind.  Telepathy is your preferred mode of communication and they know it.  A barrage of attacks are sent to your mind, through telepathy (psychic attacks).  Shield your mind. The dark knights use a lot of black magic to control.  Protect yourself.  


If you need to get out of black twin flame program, get in touch.  


The false twin is a trap, they need you as a meal.  Your energy.  You are their jackpot.  Their lottery of energy and light.  They take everything you have.  Your energy, your identity, your life, your positivity and mirror you to their own world.  That's why you were attracted to them in the first place, because they carry a lot of your light and energy.  There are a lot of traumatic bonds,  energetic cords, emotional discharges sent your way from this dark knight.  That's why you cannot leave.


Remove, release, deprogram dark knights or false twin flame and their allies here.  Remove dark twin soul programs, separation, pain and suffering programs, here.


Now, it's time to remove this darkness from your life.  It's time to reunite with your twin soul.  You know who they are.  It's time for love, peace, abundance, harmony, balance, wealth, goodness, freedom, forever.


Greetings Lightseeds.


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