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Akashic Records Clearing/Upgrading the Soul Template

Akashic Records Clearing/Upgrading the Soul Template

You have been through some super challenges.  You need some help in restoring you back o your original divine blueprint.  Your challenges were even more challenging than those around you.  You questioned god/goddess, "why me?", you got angry because "god/goddess/universe" forgot about you, they were supposed to come to the rescue, when you called, but didn't, they were supposed to sort it out for you, but didn't, divine couldn't hear you, you called and no one came.


Rest assured.  Help is here.  Now. The earth has been gridded so heavily, frequency walls, energetic grids, crystal prisons, technological energetic programs and frequencies to make all LightOnes crazy, dysfunctional, to harm themselves, rarely others, remote viewing, psychic attacks, energetic attacks, mind control devices, implants under the skin, abductions : all of it used to destroy the light ones.  Divine could not get to us, we were bariricaded, under layers and layers and layers of prisons.  

Lightwarriors have managed to destroy many frequency walls and layers of prisons, now the connection is being made to the divine.  Also, LightWarriors are here to rescue the LightOnes.  The mission iof rescue is here,  rescue of lightones, the earth, taking back of what's ours, through force, energetic, spiritual force. As this is a spiritual war.


We have won already. So, the next step, is healing and restoration.  This is where my service comes in.   

You are a wizard/high priest/magician/Sirian/pleadian/earthean/arturian and have been damaged through millions of years of warring.  You have won. Let me tell you this.  Now the remnants and all the sludge on you, needs to be removed from you, as you have much work to do.  You may ask why I don't do this for free?  There is an answer.  

I have been doing free attuning/clearing/laser light deprogramming all my life, for free.  And most of the time, there has been not even a thank you.  My service to humanity had been totally disrespected and there was no exchange of energy.

In any universe, there has to be an exchange of energy.  In this world, people value money.  So, there is nothing, for nothing.  Something MUST be offered back, when something is given.  That is RESPECT.


Reiki Masters are taught to always accept energy exchange, otherwise, you and the gift will not be respected and it's true.  I have done it for free for too long to know that I wasn't respected.


So, in respect of my own self, exchange is a must.  I am offering my shamanism, healing services for a token.  Just like a doctor, psychiatrist, ayurvedic doctor, shaman, energy doctor, herbalist would.  Respect for the craft, trade, wisdom, knowledge must be rewarded and energy must be exchanged.


This is no different.

So, let's get to work.

I will be cleaning, clearing, healing, removing, deprogramming, reprogramming negative programs, implants, plugs, tags, tracking devices, energetic devices, energies, from your 22 chakras, layers, levels, dmensions, DNA, bloodline, blood and bones, sending my clearing flame to your bloodline, mother line, father line, to all your lifetimes, timeliness, dimensions, astral layers, akashic layers, dimensions, karmic layers, contracts and agreements.  I will use laser surgery, crystals to remove all programs, crashing your system, I will do a system reboot, upgrade and will align you to the divine.  

This is a total healing program.  Done etherically, there will be 1 session in this program.  Time and date to be arranged.  I don't need to see you face to face, I connect etherically, remotely to your divine blueprint.  As I need a photo of you, your name, date of birth and country of origin.

This is so I can heal your hologram, your family hologram and access your akashic records.

This is a big healing, it may take up to 3 weeks to get the upgrade.  Your life will change with this as it is super powerful.


I will be healing your SOUL MATRIX in The AKASHIC RECORDS

Shamanic healing

Returning what's not yours

Taking back what's yours

Energy healing

Energy removal

Soul healing/Soul retrieval

Ancestral Line healing

Akashic Records Healing

Implants removal/Clearing/Vapourising


DNA Healing

Balancing the Elements 

Healing Blood and Bones

Healing ALL lifetimes on this earth

Removing the lower/middle earth's negative programs.

Connecting to the Higher Earth/Higher Self - Divine blueprint/monad/logos

Resting and restoring in the Crystal SUN Temple

Then, once ready, move to the Crystal Light Temple


Greetings of Light, LightOnes.

You have come home.  This is the LightVessel.









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