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Deprogramming/Removing Past Lovers/Exes/False Twins/Dark Knights/Illusory Lovers

Deprogramming/Removing Past Lovers/Exes/False Twins/Dark Knights/Illusory Lovers

This is for those super sensitives, who feel everything.  Who are so telepathic, that you can hear, feel everything, even if it's happened in the past, you feel like it's happening right now.  That's because it is.  Energy never dies.  What happened in past lives, with past lovers, who may have killed you, murdered, raped, stalked you forever, before killing you and then you meet that person again, there is so much animosity, you cannot forget the violence that you went through in a past life.  

Perhaps it goes back to Atlantis and major civilisations, where you were stalked, spied, and watched by this stalker, who then got you murdered.


Perhaps a jealous ex or lover who cannot bear to see you without them.  All they want is to harm, abuse and violate you for leaving them, or daring to leave them , because you must do exactly as they say. 


Perhaps they still control you psychically.  As telepathic beings, you are super sensitives.  If they stillc ommunicate with you and have been constantly offloading a lot of their own bad Karma, energies, bad deeds, emotions onto you, you are the dustbin, where they project, bin their own rubbish, they feel good around you, as you take all their stuff, then you feel horrible, because you feel exactly what they feel, but they feel good, move on with their life and you shrivel and die.

This is all energetic violence, abuse,violation, trespass.  This occurs on so many levels, emotionally, psychically, mentally, physically, astrally and more.


If left undealt with, your pain and suffering is unberable.  This is because most starseeds have little or no problems at all.  Most problems are projected on us.  Around 90% of our problems are inherited from others.  


Past lovers, dark knights, dark twins can take a lot of your life force away.  There is this sense of never being able to move on, not being able to concentrate on anything else but their traumas, violence and abuse.  This is energetic.  


Deprogramming negative sexual programs, sexual implants from past illusory lovers, exes, narcissists, sociopaths, psychos who have trapped you in their web of evil. The person himself/herself is the program. Once you realise that, they will dissolve. Forever.


Dissolving negative threats, emotional charges, in all chakras, with past sexual lovers, lovers, given any consent to access your energy field, renounce all persmissions now. Dissolve any part lives, experiences ready to be released, releasing the program/energy. Dissolve all magic, in all lifetimes, with this partner, all rituals, vows, agreements dissolved.


This energy needs to be cleared.  I use a lot of clearing methods.  Programs to clear the energy, from self, others, your lover (this is the love you're with right now), your family, your ancestors, your akashic records, DNA and much deeper.  

I will send you a list of what I will clear, such as addiction, co-dependency, low self esteem, low self belief and much more


This clearing is effected, then I give you new programs of happiness, health, pure love and much more.  For those in twin soul, twin flame relationships.  This works so magically.  it opens you to complete happiness and moves you to the next level to be with your love.  I also give you meditations to protect, shield and elevate your vibration, to the next highest level

It is done. 

Blessings of Love.

Kiran G

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