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Move On, Move On, Move On!

You have felt stuck for a long time. It's time to call back your energies that has been taken by others, places you have lived,

Movement is here!

situations you have encounteredjobs you have been stuck in, colleagues whom didn't appreciate you, those who harmed you, friends who deceived you, traumatic events that scarred you, places, falling of civilisations, family members who hurt you. They all took pieces of you, your heart, your light and soul pieces remained with these broken people, places, cords attached, roots grew and stuck you became.

Send the violet flame all throughout your lifetimes, to traumatic places, dimensions, levels, layers of existence, allow the flames to clean, cleanse, program each DNA cell in you to new overflowing, divine, balanced order of happiness, health, prosperity, love, abundance, success, compounded positivity and beauty.

Dissolve all that doesn't work in your life, send the flame to DISSOLVE all of it that doesn't serve you, remove cords from others, who have attached themselves to you, clinging onto you, as you're their constant feed. We sever all these cords and programs now. We call back all your pieces from all times, dimensions, spaces, layers, levels, timelines, lifetimes, planets, universes, multiverses and anywhere you have ever lived.

We send the violet flames to our ancestors, blood and bones, dimensions, astral layers, all dimensions, chakras, akashic records, karmic records, life records, death records, life reviews, clear memories, programs, implants, devices, technologies, attached to us, you and your loved ones. We dissolve commands, implants, contracts, agreements, with all beings/entities that aren't of divine nature, permanently, starting from now, all dissolved, vapourised permanently. DONE>

See yourself surrounded by rings of light and fire. Impenetrable shield, filled with super powers. See yourself like a crystalline tree, grounded in a crystalline earth, absorbing, all the divine light. Grounded to the crystalline sun, filled with energy and pure power. You're NOW shining one, shining bright, VISIBLE to all divine ones.

Now you're ready to move on. MOVE ON> MOVE ON > MOVE ON. This is a new command.

It is DONE>

Greetings of Light, LightSeeds,

Kiran G

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