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Forgiveness Works Best, When You Return All Burdens!

They say you have to forgive everyday, for it to work. There is a lot of work to be done, with forgiveness. Think of that entity whom you want to vapourise from this universe. This is how much this entity has harmed you. ;)

I innerstand! I have been there. You are coming out of it.

Let me tell you one thing with forgiveness, the stronger the anger, hatred, the further back in time it goes, all the way to past lifetimes. If it just won't go away, keeps on recurring, keeps on angering you, the lesson is deep and goes back, back, back and waaaaayyyyyy back. What did this entity do to you, that you didn't stand up for yourself?

These lessons will keep on repeating, until you stand up for yourself, create strong boundaries, kick some butts (erm spiritually speaking, of course), teach them a good lesson in respect, a whole lot of other lessons, then they will go away.

Otherwise, you are stuck with the nasty. Sorry! Ask yourself, what is the lesson here? what am I to learn? may be you allowed this entity to keep on harming you, when you should have vapourised its behind. May be you should have said NO. May be you should have spoken up for yourself. May be, it's a lesson of taking ALL your powers back.

I know for sure, I am happy to have removed an entity from my life. Violent beast ( darkest soul, I have ever encountered) There were many lessons for me. It went back, many millions of years, of enslavement of my soul. It had all my powers. I had to come back and TAKE my powers back from this entity.

However, now I am not angry anymore. I was. Now, I am peaceful, because I have taken all my powers back. ALL MY POWERS BACK. It took many years. Because those who take your powers away, do not want to give it back, you must TAKE IT.

View these beings/entities with compassion. But, don't make excuses for them, don't make it poetic, don't make it more or less that it is. It certainly isn't an illusion, if you keep saying darkness is an illusion, you will remain in their claws.

FORGIVE for you, not for those who've harmed you. It works for you. The entity who harmed you, has no concept of right or wrong. They are trapped in the circle of violence and trapped you, because you are LIGHT and they need this light, they also transfer all their pain/suffering to you, when they harm you, as a sensitive being, you absorb their pain/suffering, they become light, you become darkness.

Return their burden back to them, keep on doing this, then, protect, shield yourself, send love to you, the situation and to all timelines you have existed with this being.

SEE the TRUTH! Then take SUPER ACTION to draw boundaries, remove, stand up to violent beings.

Greetings of light, Lightseeds,

Kiran G

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