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Polarity Exists and It's NOT an Illusion!

Not actually seeing the truth can be dangerous. A lot of people on this earth are believing in a false narrative. A lot of lightseeds have been implanted with the program of 'darkness is an illusion, there is no right, there is no wrong'. This is to allow the enslavement, violence, to carry on. So that there is no one questioning them, making them accountable, responsible for their actions.

If lightseeds, believe this, which I see everywhere,more and more light ones, are believing into their agenda. Watch out! This is an enslaved world. Minds have been enslaved, "they" tell you what to think, they insert programs, implants, to dictate your response to all that's happening.

The false narrative are: "there is no right, there is no wrong, everything is of light, everything that's happening is right, there is no darkness, all this is the work of light, accept all this darkness, darkness and light is one"

Whilst you believe in this, you are putting yourselves and many others in danger. There is light, there is darkness. There is polarity, many universes were made with the law of polarity, this earth is one of them. Polarity means opposites, it is clear, it is here, it is happening. However, many say it's not happening, that all that we're seeing is the work of light.

I.e darkness is the work of light. Open your eyes. See everything for what it really is. This universe has been invaded, by darkness. Light is trying to free this world, its people from the millions of years of darkness. That's the truth.

By saying there is no right, no wrong. Many are putting themselves in danger of accepting all actions of darkness. This world has been enslaved for a long, long time. It's time to free your minds, from dangerous, operating systems. SEE the truth for what it is and say it.

There is right, there is wrong. Right is, to respect, love and give freedom to self and others. How can this world be of light, with all this enslavement, mind control, imprisonment, harming of beings, taking their free will away.

A good god, the prime creator, would never do a thing like that. This is the work of darkness. Know that in universal laws, there is right, there is wrong. We cannot go around, hurting, harming, enslaving beings. It's wrong.

How can some say it's an illusion? That darkness is an illusion? That's this is light, playing as darkness. What is taking place isn't an illusion, it's happening and it's real.

Once we see this as truth. We are FREE. Then, we can make good decisions based on the truth, of what's right, what's wrong. Light will never play itself in this manner. This is darkness and you must come out of the PROGRAMS that is running inside of you, which has you believing that this is the work of the divine.

The other problem with believing that this is the work of light, that darkness ( enslavement, imprisonment, mind control, programming, implanting people, torturing) are work of light.

Then, we open ourselves to all its programs, doings, tricks, implants, we open ourselves to its black magic, its webs of deceits. When you we believe we are one with darkness, it will possess you, make your soul its own. You are open to dark's manipulation and under its full control.

The first thing to do is to SEE the tricks for what it is.

Then, discern for yourself. Then, say loudly "I am not you, we are not one". Do everything in your power, to remove all beings/entities that bring all these energies in your life. If you have believed this program, look around you, there will be many, aiding you into further believing this.

Know that there is right, there is wrong

Light is made of love, respect, unity, freedom of all

darkness is made of enslavement, torture, pain ans suffering, fear, separation programs.

The agents of darkness bring fear with it

Whilst we come to unite, we stay separate with the ones who bring harm, separation, darkness, slavery, fear programs to the populace.

The prime creator is kind, gentle, helpful, forgiving, filled with love, no judgment, no respect, freedom, of unity consciousness.

Having said that, the prime creator now knows how pain and suffering is the norm on this earth. Darkness must be vapourised, this universe is ready to ascend.

Because of all the darkness in this universe, the beings here have absorbed a lot of it, it's in our DNA and operating systems. We're now a new breed of beings, but we align with the light in us. Slowly it will leave our beings. However, we know it's here. We value the lessons, we accept that all of it happened.

We see everything truthfully. Try not to see anything as an illusion, as it is really happening. See everything as it is, not more, not less. A lot of programs are running in lightseeds, to make us believe that darkness is an illusion, that isn't so.

These are violent beings, reptoids, draco, hybrid species, doing really violent things to eartheans, wiping out our memories, violently, thousands of programs, implants running inside of us to make us believe that what we're seeing is all an illusion that our divine creator, created this and that we're here to see everything as it is, do nothing about it, accept it, be violated, programmed, imprisoned, then leave to nirvana (which is also a fake creation of the dark ones)

Beware, for not seeing the truth, lightseeds. SEE IT< KNOW IT< ACT AGAINST IT < Then work to eradicate it.

That's how this world is becoming free. Lightseeds, it's time to WAKE UP. SEE. LISTEN. KNOW. ACT.

It's time. The veil is removed. Stay silent no more.

Forgive those who have trespassed, violated, abused you. Release them to light, the more you feel anger, hatred towards them, the door is open to them further manipulating you.

Send those harmful beings light, see them with compassion. But, make sure you SEE the truth for what it really is.

Greetings of light, Lightseeds.

Kiran G

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